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We turn creativity into real business value

Design and development of Turn-Key Software Applications and Solutions

Sunrise 6G

NH AppArt, as of April 2023, is a full member as an SME of Sunrise-6G.

Sunrise-6G is the voice of European industry and research for next generation networks and services  and has as  its primary objective to contribute to Europe’s leading position in research, 5G  , beyond 5G and SNS/6G technology.

By participating in Sunrise-6G, NH AppArt will have, the unique advantage of participating in interactive processes to  define the position of European industry on critical technology issues, together with major operators from the telecommunications industry  (providers, manufacturers, etc.)a.) and the research community,   with well-known ICT Associations and other SMEs with specialized activities.

The aim of NH AppArt is to further deepen 5G technology and its development, beyond   5G and SNS/  6G,  to enrich its involvement with new technologies and to apply this knowledge and experience in design and implementation innovative solutions and innovative  applications both  in the field of specialization in the entire spectrum  of Data Analysis and in the other areas of  software development in which it operates.

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